Source code for pyrosbag.pyrosbag

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Programmatically control a ROS bag file.

This module implements the base class, and the various functions.

Currently implemented are:

    * ``rosbag play``

import logging
import subprocess as sp
import time
    from types import StringTypes
except ImportError:
    StringTypes = str

    input = raw_input
except NameError:

logger = logging.getLogger("bag_player")

[docs]class BagError(Exception): """ Catch bag player exceptions. """
[docs]class MissingBagError(BagError): """ Bag file was not specified. """ msg = "No Bag files were specified."
[docs]class BagNotRunningError(BagError): """ Raised when interaction is attempted with a bag file which is not running. """ def __init__(self, action="talk to"): message = u"Cannot {} process while bag is not running.".format(action) super(BagNotRunningError, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class Bag(object): """ Open and manipulate a bag file programmatically. Parameters ---------- filenames : StringTypes | List[StringTypes] The location of the bag files. Attributes ---------- filenames : List[StringTypes] The location of the bag files. process : subprocess.Popen The process containing the running bag file. """ def __init__(self, filenames): if filenames in ("", u"", []): raise MissingBagError if isinstance(filenames, StringTypes): filenames = [filenames] self.filenames = filenames self.process = None
[docs] def send(self, string): """ Write something to process stdin. Parameters ---------- string : str The string to write. Raises ------ BagNotRunningError If interaction is attempted when the bag file is not running. """ try: self.process.stdin.write(string) except AttributeError: raise BagNotRunningError()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop a running bag file. Raises ------ BagNotRunningError If the bag file is not running. """ try: self.process.terminate() self.process.kill() except AttributeError: raise BagNotRunningError("stop")
[docs] def wait(self): """ Block until process is complete. Raises ------ BagNotRunningError If the bag file is not running. """ try: self.process.wait() except AttributeError: raise BagNotRunningError("wait for")
@property def is_running(self): """ Check whether the bag file is running. Returns ------- bool The bag file is running. """ try: return self.process.poll() is None except AttributeError: return False
[docs] def __enter__(self): """ Context manager entry point. """ return self
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """ Context manager exit point. """ time.sleep(1) # For pretty output. if self.is_running: if exc_type is None: logger.warning("Exited while process is still running.")"Hint: Use Bag.wait() or " "to wait until completion.") else: self.stop() if exc_type == KeyboardInterrupt:"User exit.") return True elif exc_type is not None: logger.critical("An error occurred. Exiting.") else:"Goodbye!")
def __repr__(self): return "<Bag({})>".format(self.filenames)
[docs]class BagPlayer(Bag): """ Play Bag files. """
[docs] def play(self, wait=False, stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=None, stderr=None, quiet=None, immediate=None, start_paused=None, queue_size=None, publish_clock=None, clock_publish_freq=None, delay=None, publish_rate_multiplier=None, start_time=None, duration=None, loop=None, keep_alive=None): """ Play the bag file. Parameters ---------- wait : Optional[Bool] Wait until completion. stdin : Optional[file] The stdin buffer. Default is subprocess.PIPE. stdout : Optional[file] The stdout buffer. stderr : Optional[file] The stderr buffer. quiet : Optional[Bool] Suppress console output. immediate : Optional[Bool] Play back all messages without waiting. start_paused : Optional[Bool] Start in paused mode. queue_size : Optional[int] Set outgoing queue size. Default is 100. publish_clock : Optional[Bool] Publish the clock time. clock_publish_freq : Optional[float] The frequency, in Hz, at which to publish the clock time. Default is 100. delay : Optional[float] The number of seconds to sleep afer every advertise call (e.g., to allow subscribers to connect). publish_rate_multiplier : Optional[float] The factor by which to multiply the publish rate. start_time : Optional[float] The number of seconds into the bag file at which to start. duration : Optional[float] The number of seconds from the start to play. loop : Optional[Bool] Loop playback. keep_alive : Optional[Bool] Keep alive past end of bag (e.g. for publishing latched topics). """ arguments = ["rosbag", "play"] arguments.extend(self.filenames) if quiet: arguments.append("-q") if immediate: arguments.append("-i") if start_paused: arguments.append("--pause") if queue_size is not None: arguments.append("--queue={}".format(queue_size)) if publish_clock: arguments.append("--clock") if clock_publish_freq is not None: arguments.append("--hz={}".format(clock_publish_freq)) if delay is not None: arguments.append("--delay={}".format(delay)) if publish_rate_multiplier is not None: arguments.append("--rate={}".format(publish_rate_multiplier)) if start_time is not None: arguments.append("--start={}".format(start_time)) if duration is not None: arguments.append("--duration={}".format(duration)) if loop: arguments.append("-l") if keep_alive: arguments.append("-k") self.process = sp.Popen(arguments, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) if wait: self.wait()
[docs] def pause(self): """ Pause the bag file. """ self.send(" ")
[docs] def resume(self): """ Resume the bag file. """ self.send(" ")
[docs] def step(self): """ Step through a paused bag file. """ self.send("s")